A Selective Model UN Is a Good Model UN

Model UN (United Nations) was introduced to Denver Jewish Day School in 2023. Since then, every year, each student has been given the opportunity to attend a conference in New York, so long as they have at least 70% in each class. Participating includes going to New York City for a week and taking part in intensive debate, followed by time to learn and explore the city. Due to increased popularity, this year the Model UN team has become selective, forcing anyone who wants to participate in this year's conference to compete in a mock Model UN, to show their commitment to the team.

A possible reason for this new policy is that in past years, there had always been two chaperones to the trip providing more than enough supervision to the members who had attended. This year though, there will only be one chaperone, consequently if every member of the team was allowed to participate, there would not be adequate supervision of the students to warrant a safe trip. This changes the dynamic of the Model UN classroom. For the first time in DJDS history, students who want to participate in the conference are being told they will not be allowed to attend. 

Critics argue that this change damages not only the MUN team but also one of DJDS’s key ideals, which is inclusivity. Students who were not selected to go to New York argue that they put in work to the class and it is unfair that they are not allowed to reap the rewards. However, I believe that this change ultimately benefits the school and the team as it not only reinforces meritocratic values but also fosters healthy competition for future years to come. This allows students to drive each other to greatness, and improve everyone’s skill in the process. 

Furthermore, the presence of selectability is a sign of greatness in any DJDS club or team. This can be seen most predominantly in the school's athletic program. The school's basketball program is much more advanced than its counterparts, such as soccer and baseball. Although this could be due to a variety of factors, such as coaches or student participation, one thing is certain, the basketball program achieves more than the soccer and baseball combined. In my opinion, having students compete for spots on a team is the spark for greatness. This forces students to earn their spot and in the process, and create better, more motivated players.

So what does this mean for the MUN team? This change is the first of many to the program. It is clear that there is vast potential within even the lowest-performing members of the team, and in time, they too will have their shot at earning a spot. In years to come, the selective process of Model UN may go away, but for now, the selectivity gives both the students and the team an opportunity to evolve into something DJDS can be proud of; just like the basketball team. 

Elijah Segal - Co Editor in Chief


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