Dermer’s Dreams

Dermer’s Dreams.

Many of us at DJDS have taken a Dermer class or at least talked to him in the halls. Those of us who have interacted with him remember him as a kind, wise man, whose goal in life was to improve our education through Hebrew and Arabic. I had the opportunity to take one of his last and best classes, Teva. It was during this class that I was informed that he would not be returning to DJDS. He said although he loved his students and enjoyed teaching at the school, he needed a fresh start. Thus, the Adventures of Mr. Dermer began. 

The first thing Dermer did was visit Israel where he lived prior to coming to Denver Jewish Day School. He spent two weeks in Israel enjoying the sun, beach, and culture. Dermer used his expertise in the Hebrew language to navigate the winding streets of Jerusalem and many cafes of Tel Aviv. However, Dermer soon yearned for more. 

From there, he decided to visit Dubai. Dermer spent a total of ten days in the crown jewel of the United Arab Emirates. From visiting the Burj Khalifa (the tallest building in the world) to exploring the endless sand dunes, Dermer once again revitalized his spirit. However, Dermer is like the storm and the storm is ever-changing and must move on.

Dermer’s last and longest leg of the adventure was in Thailand, where he enjoyed the food and trained Muay Thai off the streets of Bangkok. For a month and a half, Dermer explored the glorious country of white sand beaches and jungle. Little is known about what exactly Dermer did during this time, but one can only assume that Dermer came back a master of the art of Muay Thai. 

After Dermer’s adventure in Thailand, he decided to settle down in the city he grew up in, Miami. Dermer now works as a case manager for a patient substance abuse clinic. In other words, he defends those who cannot defend themselves. When asked if he would ever consider coming back to the school Dermer simply replied, “I live in Miami now.” Dermer’s adventures should be a lesson to us all. To explore and create. To defend and protect. 

Koby Nadel-Mansdorf- CO Editor in Chief


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